Cliff True
Architecture Staff
Cliff’s meticulousness and dependability make him a go-to source for insight, guidance, and mentorship at BCDM. Always friendly and approachable, he’s trusted a partner our clients count on to tackle projects efficiently and thoroughly, asking thoughtful questions along the way and bringing about the right results.
In his daily work, from master planning and programming to construction administration, and in his role as a leader within the firm facilitating volunteer opportunities, guiding the strategic plan and beyond, Cliff draws on his experience to find new ways to enhance our processes and further strengthen BCDM culture.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bachelor of Journalism
Professional Activities and Societies
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Accredited Professional (LEED AP)
What inspires you?
BCDM founder Dave Berringer is an inspiration for me. He was a good mentor, and he taught me a lot about approaching projects and effective communication. My goal is to offer that same kind of inspiration to others through mentorship and leadership, both at BCDM and through coaching my daughter’s soccer and basketball teams.